Accounting Office 1006 Information Office 1048 External Campuses
Admission Office 1007 ISRDS01 (Administrative Office)(DOWN) 1049 Alang-Alang 1098
BAC Secretariat(Bids and Awards Committee Office) 1093 ISRDS02 (Directors Office)(DOWN) 1050 Tolosa 1079
Budget Office 1009 ISRDS03 (Faculty Room)(DOWN) 1051 Isabel 1100
CAFS (College of Agriculture & Food Sciences) 1083 ITEEM (Institute of Tropical Ecology & Environmental Mangt.) 1052 Villaba 1101
Cash Division 1011 Library (Readers Services) 1055
CCE/URC (Center for Continuing Education/
University Review Center )
1069 Library (Serials & Gen Reference Services) 1056
Climate Change Library (Head Librarian) 1054
COE (College of Engineering) 1084 Marine Lab
CON (College of Nursing) 1012 MMDC (Multi Media Development Center) 1057
Convention Center 1044 NARC (National Abaca Research Center) 1058
CVM (College of Veterinary Medicine) 1038 NCRC (National Coconut Research Center) 1059
DAEE (Dept of Agriculture Education & Extension) 1016 ODAHRD / Legal Office (Office of the Director for Administration and
Human Resource Development)
DAE (Dept of Agricultural Engineering) 1015 ODF (Office of the Director of Finance) 1061
DA (Dept of Agronomy) 1013 Office of the President 1000
DAS (Dept of Animal Science) 1017 Office of the Univ Secretary 1001
DBM (Dept of Business Management) 1018 OGS (Office of Graduate School) 1062
DBS (Dept of Biological Sciences) 1019 OVPAF (Office of VP for Admin. & Finance) 1002
Dbtec (Dept of Biotechnology) OVPI (Office of VP for Instruction) 1003
DCE (Dept of Civil Engineering) 1020 OVPRE Extension 1085
DCHM (Dept of Consumer & Hospitality Management) 1021 OVPRE Research 1005
DCST (Dept of Computer Science & Technology) 1022 OVPRGEA (Office of the Vice President for Planning,
Resource Generation and External Affairs)
DDC (Dept of Development Communication) 1023 PESMU (Power Electrical Sound Maintenance Unit) 1090
DFS (Dept of Forest Science) 1026 PhilRootcrops 1063
DFST (Dept of Food Science & Technology) 1025
DGE (Dept of Geodetic Engineering) 1027 PRPEO (Personnel Records and Performance Evaluation Office) 1080
DLABS (Dept of Liberal Arts & Behavioral Sciences) 1028 QAC (Quality Assurance Center) 1076
DME (Dept of Mechanical Engineering) 1029 Records Office 1065
DMP (Dept of Mathematics & Physics) 1030 REGISTRAR 1010
DOE (Dept of Economics) 1024 Registrar-Computer Section 1066
DOH (Dept of Horticulture) 1031 Registrar-Head 1067
DoPAC (Dept of Pure & Applied Chemistry) 1032 Security (Administration Bldg)
DPBG (Dept of Plant Breeding & Genetics) 1033 Security Guard POST 1 1111
DPM (Dept of Pest Management) 1034 Security Office 912
DSS (Dept of Soil Science) SPPMO (Supply Procurement & Property management Office) 1082
Dstat (Dept of Statistics) 1035 SPPMO Warehouse
DTE (Dept of Teacher Education) 1037 UCC (University Connectivity Center)- Admin Staff 1014
DYDC-FM 104.7 (VSU Radio Station) 1039 UCC-Norman 1077
FARMI (Farm and Resource Management Institute) 1040 UCC-Sean 1078
GSD (General Services Division) 1041 USSO (University Student Services Office) 1070
HELVMU (Heavy Equipment Vehicle Maintenance Unit) 1068 VCO (VSU Cebu Office) 1071
Hostel 1043 VMO (VSU Manila Office) 1072
IASO (Internal Audit Service Office) 1045 VLHS (VSU Laboratory High School) 1074
IHK (Institute of Human Kenitics) 1046 ViCARP (Visayas Consortium for Argiculture, Aquatic and
Natural Resources Program)
ILFMU (Instrumentation of Laboratory Facilities & Maintenance Unit) 1081 VSU Hospital 1047
Innovation 1st floor VSU WebTeam 1089
Innovation 2nd floor
Innovation 3rd floor