Please be informed that a Fire and Rescue Training 2019 is scheduled on November 5 – 9, 2018 at the VSU Garden Beach Resort for emergency preparedness and in preparation for the university-wide drill which will be held on march 2019 and for the succeeding annual disaster drills.

The participants of this training will be Security Guards who are active in emergency response, DRRM focal person of each department (who were trained in life saving last October 2017 by the PNRC), sons and daughters of VSU faculty and staff as well as KABALIKAT members who are working and living inside the VSU Main Campus. The training is also intended to accomodate one(1) representative / DRRM focal person from each department who were not able to attend the previous training.

In this connection, kindly send your identified participant to attend this training. Please coordinate with Engr. Celso Gumaod, Head of Security Office in this regard.

Please be guided accordingly,


OP memo number 360 s. of 2018 | Fire Fighting and Rescue Training 2018

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